YES! You can absolutely make money (without sacrificing your life & family) as a


Creative Woman

Hi. I’m Kendra.

I got my start helping highly-sensitive, wildly creative humans learn music and develop their voice.

In an industry where most people identify as “starving artists,” my business was successful, profitable and sustainable because my clients and I developed one key skill: Taking the exact next step to create the results we want.

It worked so well I decided to try using the same systems and strategies to help my clients with additional projects, like recording albums, writing books, and starting their own creative businesses.

And it worked.

Turns out you can absolutely follow your passion AND create a business that is financially stable, socially conscious, and spiritually fulfilling. But as a highly-sensitive, creative human, we can’t just follow someone else’s “proven path.”

If you’re ready to bring your businesses and creative projects into the world, step-by-step, in a highly individualized and personal way, hire me.

Because the only thing standing between you and your dreams is knowing how to determine and then consistently take the exact next step that’s right for your business.

Yes, my wild and messy creative friend, we will blend chaos with structure, mistakes with miracles, and safety with freedom, one doable step at a time.

Master that and the whole thing becomes easy & enjoyable.

It’s time to master the only skill you need:

Taking the exact next step that’s right for you.

The only way to bring your work into the world is to feel good doing it.

When you’re growing a business or creative project from the ground up, high-level mentorship and community support should be accessible, affordable and enjoyable.

Schedule a complimentary Private Intro Calls to experience power of coaching for yourself!